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Better ways to save paper

Editor: Am I the only one? My cable company wants to charge for a paper bill.


Am I the only one?

My cable company wants to charge for a paper bill.

My telephone company wants to charge for a paper bill. My gas company wants to charge for a paper bill. My electrical company wants to charge for a paper bill. My bank wants to charge for a paper bill. My credit-card company wants to charge for a paper bill.

I feel like Don Quixote must have when he was tilting at windmills. My ‘windmill’ is the assumption that everyone has a computer and is knowledgeable in online security.

Now to the crux of the matter.

Not everyone wants/needs/has a computer. Internet is not free in the area I live in. I do not have a free computer to read my statements whenever I need to. I don’t have a computer to print out a statement I require a hard copy of.

All of the paper bills generally contain a couple of pages of glossy ads for other services/products.

If the companies really wanted to save trees – as they tell us is the reason to go electronic – they could print their bills on recycled paper and not include any enclosures.

In the meantime, quit bugging me to opt out and go paperless.

Mike Baynes, Surrey