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LETTERS: Let’s hear it from residents

Editor: The last week of the year was an excellent time for reflection on what has transpired throughout the past 52 weeks.


The last week of the year was an excellent time for reflection on what has transpired throughout the past 52 weeks.

Last year, White Rock news has focused on all manner of construction proposals, some acceptable, others not. Most proposals before city council have been inundated with mannerisms both pro and con, many deteriorating into disrespectfulness and immaturity with outbursts of rudeness, anger and emotion.

In this context, is it not time for White Rock government to institute controls over such abuse? While I believe strongly in the freedom of speech, I cannot condone outsiders attempts to influence our council into acquiescing to their way of thinking.

May I suggest the following protocol:

• Only validated residents of White Rock should be afforded the right to make personal presentations before council, with the exception of invited professionals necessary to provide essential information concerning a matter at hand. Actual residents have a vested interest in the undertakings and ultimately must live and abide by the decisions made.

• Non-residents should always maintain a right to be able to write to mayor and council, if they so choose, but not be afforded an opportunity to consume council’s time in formal sessions from which they walk away and return to their jurisdictions without consequence.

James R. Golightly, White Rock