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LETTERS: Liberals advised to get on board

Editor: Re: One certainty: tracks remain, March 25 letters; More than just a little whistle, Feb. 19.
Federal candidates from all but the Libertarians last fall voiced support for relocating the tracks from the waterfront.


Re: One certainty: tracks remain, March 25 letters.

There is much in John Freeman’s letter with which I agree. However, the fact is it is the federal Liberals who now hold the purse strings, which begs the question: Will the Liberals deliver rail relocation to our riding before the next election while we have a sitting Conservative MP?

It isn’t like we benefited a whole lot while the Conservatives were in power with a Conservative MP, with hardly a federal dollar finding its way to White Rock. Why should things change now?

My advice to the local Liberals is that they better pony up the cash for rail relocation if they want a chance of getting elected in this riding next time. Hopes have been raised by them during the election (Rail relocation a popular view, Oct. 9) and continued with comments made in a Liberal-sponsored White Rock forum (Trains, housing, jobs dominate federal concerns, Feb. 17).

Yet, my cynicism leads me to think that Freeman is right, that politics is “a nasty, nasty game” and the Liberals would rather do nothing than allow it to be seem that the Conservative MP succeeded in her quest for rail relocation. Better yet, maybe the Liberals will make some loud noises by trotting out some grandiose plan so that they can hoodwink us into thinking that rail relocation is just around the corner.

So, I ask the federal and provincial Liberals, isn’t reclaiming our waterfront and eliminating the need to spend millions in the next few years on multiple safety measures at the rail/promenade crossings – flashing lights/bells here we come – important enough to put the city’s welfare above being a pawn in a political game?

Keith Knightson, White Rock

Sound solutions

Re: More than just a little whistle, Feb. 19.

Since my letter to PAN complaining that conductors blast their train horns all night long, I have noticed that it has now ceased during this time, and for that I am truly grateful as I’m now able to get a good night’s sleep.

A big thank you to the powers that be in making this a reality, and let’s hope it continues.

In today’s society, white noise runs rampant and it’s so hard to control. That combined with the everyday stresses of life makes it hard for anyone to relax their mind. So it’s nice that such a simple solution can bring such pleasure.

Cheryl Berti, White Rock