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LETTERS: Lingering effect of overreaction

Editor: This is an open letter to a very mean person.


This is an open letter to a very mean person.

On March 19, at approximately 6:20 a.m., while turning south onto 156 Street, you assaulted me.

Throwing that full bag of dog feces into my car window – hitting me and thus exploding all over the interior of the car – wasn’t necessary.

On the green light, I proceeded to start my turn. At first, I did not see you and your wife/girlfriend walking your lovely dog. It was dark and rainy, and you were wearing a dark jacket and pants. Thank goodness your wife was wearing a not-much-lighter blue jacket that I then saw.

You know who you are. I’m the guy who then noticed you and stopped, and you proceeded to cross making gestures.

When I spoke out the window that I’m sorry I didn’t see you at first, for some reason you wound up and launched that bag at me.

I guess I could have driven to the police station at that point, but walking into a police station with a pile of crap on me wasn’t the first thing on my mind, and I’m not really sure it would have helped much in these scenarios.

Instead, I spent the next hour or so trying to clean up the pieces of crap from inside my new car, and clean where it had smeared into the upholstery. The jacket… well, it had to go in the garbage.

Why write the paper about this? Well, quite frankly, it’s just to maybe once again remind those out walking that it really is hard to see pedestrians walking in the dark on rainy days.

I have a dog, too, and my wife and I take him for lots of walks, rain or shine, too. I used to be in the white jacket you ruined.

But also, I’m hoping you read this and realize you did a mean thing. Someone yelled out that they were sorry and didn’t see you at first, and you felt they deserved a bag of poo thrown at them. Sad. Really sad.

I’m a little down on things these days and this just felt like another one of those disappointments. I was pretty proud of that car; now it will never be the same inside.

Maybe, pal, if you are reading this, you’ll contact Peace Arch News and get me a new jacket, or help with interior cleaning that I have to now have done to get rid of the smell.

Maybe at the least you’ll think twice next time.

M. Green, Surrey