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LETTERS: No good reason to cut every tree

Editor: This week I saw the most disgusting clear-cutting going on on the corner of 18 Avenue and 140 Street.
The clearing of a lot at 140 Street and 18 Avenue for two new homes is appalling


I am appalled, truly appalled.

This week I saw the most disgusting clear-cutting going on on the corner of 18 Avenue and 140 Street.

Where two weeks ago there was almost 2,000 square metres of forest-like area, there is now nothing but huge mounds of sawdust and chips next to a large pile of felled trees.

Not one tree survived.

Why? Because this lot will now be developed into two residences and thanks to the adoration of the City of Surrey for the most ferocious tree-hating developers, no tree had the right to remain.

Soon, we shall see yet another ridiculous ‘mansion’ with plenty of garages and tiny little silly trees ‘adorning’ what once was a beautiful and natural if ill-maintained area.

And that’s what Surrey is all about.

Never mind the old ‘City of Parks’, this is a city that shuns all trees if monies are paid for more and more cheap and ugly monstrosities without a yard.

Is it the increasing influx of people with way too much money that is making this city into one of the ugliest in Canada, or is it the lack of taste and excess of greed by our council?

It will be sadly funny to see how long these ill-built houses last in this rainforest that we live in.

Even if we do not experience an earthquake, those ostentatious palaces will be/look dilapidated in 10 years.

The same goes for the townhouses built on every street that still has a bit of space left and they all look like military barracks and chicken coops; row-housing of the worst kind!

What an injustice to fell all those trees for that!

M. Mulder-Key, Surrey