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LETTERS: Trip advisors for TransLink

Editor: Re: Expectations of a bumpy ride, Nov. 4 letters; Speak up, bus riders, Oct. 30 letters.


Re: Expectations of a bumpy ride, Nov. 4 letters.

Just last Thursday I became aware of the proposed changes to TransLink bus routes in White Rock and South Surrey.

I called the TransLink number and was advised they were cutting off opinions/suggestions on the changes at 4 p.m. the next day.

I am resident on Cranley Drive in the middle of at least six modular-home parks populated by a large number of residents ranging in age from mid-50s to early-90. Many rely on the bus on Cranley Drive, and removing it will not only be an inconvenience to these folks but it is clear there was no consideration to those who will have difficulty walking the extra distance required.

TransLink is not considering the safety of these users, given that winter is now upon us with damp and slippery sidewalks. These people will be hard-pressed to adapt. A fall in advanced years is a very painful and serious matter requiring many weeks or months of recovery, and if the person has osteoporosis, it is life-threatening.

I agree, Translink needs to increase ridership, but at what price?

I was advised these changes have been advertised in the paper and posted on notice boards for all to see, and also there is the Internet to become better acquainted with the proposal. I know at least 20 folks in my complex – there may be more – who do not have email, which limits their chance of reading about or investigating what’s coming.

Instead of taking away the service, TransLink has the brains – I hope – to actually rework this to accommodate what is already here.

Instead of causing inconvenience, they might use imagination and enable neglected seniors to go places they never thought of going before. Use creative marketing and partner with businesses to set up seniors visits – do what is right for once.

Reg Sutton, Surrey

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Re: Speak up, bus riders, Oct. 30 letters.

I use the C53 bus consistently.

Trying to do my duty and phone TransLink, I waited for somebody to answer the phone. The recording must have repeated the Internet address at least five times. These non-existent people must realize that not everybody is connected to the Internet, by choice.

The C53 was every half hour and was increased to one hour, if they turn up at all, which happens quite often, and I have to get to a phone for a taxi to get home.

I would suggest the people who set the bus timetables be sent to London to find out how they could run the bus timetables successfully.

Once again they are looking to change the timetables and the numbers of the buses to confuse us.

Please, Peace Arch News, let them know that everybody thinks they are idiots. Thank you.

Sylvia Hannaford, White Rock