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LETTERS: Waste cans would lessen mess

Garbage cans alongside trail benches would help reduce the amount of litter found scattered along those trails, writes Annette Coates
Harold Coates shows some of the cans he and wife Annette removed from a trail in the 14000-block of Marine Drive recently. Garbage cans by benches along the trail could help alleviate the issue


My husband and I moved to beautiful White Rock a year-and-a-half ago. We love the trails and parks in our city and use them daily.

We’ve noticed some parks have a large amount of garbage carelessly thrown in the trees, etc. Today, we went to clean up one of our favourite hikes. Within 15 minutes, we collected a full bag of trash. This was collected right beside a park bench.

My question is, why don’t we have any garbage cans by these benches?

Not to say that this is the reason why some people don’t have any respect for their environment, but it may help.

Throughout the trail/pathway there are benches and stairs and wooden walkways… and not one garbage can.

Really? What a simple solution. Let’s help keep this natural beauty, beautiful.

Annette Coates, White Rock