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No idiocy in changing one’s mind

Editor: Re: Councillors lash out at city hall rethink, Sept. 12.
Reconsidering decisions made in White Rock chambers – including a now-abandoned plan to move – is encouraged.


Re: Councillors lash out at city hall rethink, Sept. 12.

Much has been said about the possible change in direction regarding the proposed White Rock City Hall council chambers. I am not going to belabour the actual issue. Instead, I wish to address much of the commentary that has nothing to do with the decision and everything to do with pride and image.

Even as recently as the Peace Arch News’ Sept. 17 edition (Robinson drops call, maintains criticism) there are statements of the tone, “We look like idiots.”

Coun. Larry Robinson’s statement is true, but not for the reason he intended.

The world is not a neat and tidy place. It does, upon many occasions, throw spanners into our most carefully created and crafted works. As we make our plans, there is often the unstated assumption of “perfect knowledge” – that we have discovered all there is to know about the problem and can blithely make the decision and move on.

To some extent, we have to operate in that manner so that the sheer weight of decisions does not become an ever-increasing burden that, of itself, clogs the machinery and prevents it from working.

The town-hall issue was decided and plans started to be made, operations begun. Subsequently, significant new information came to light, i.e. that another entity expresses interest in the same property.

I ask you, in what way does the council look like idiots? Do they look like idiots because they say, “One moment; we need to consider this”? I think not.

I think there are only two ways for them to present as less-than-responsible leaders. One is to simply ignore this new issue; to say that they made their decision and there’s nothing that can affect, stop or change it. Another way is for them to comment that they look like idiots for acting responsibly and considering the new information and, perhaps, changing their course.

There are many cases that a council changes a decision. One only has to look at the number of zoning changes, exceptions and such. Each is a reconsideration and alteration of a previously made decision.

Alternately, consider the water-treatment decision. A town council decided to sell it. Now, a town council wishes to return it to the city. I am sure that a look at the history of resolutions, and bylaws that are made, unmade, and altered will yield other such occurrences.

So, councillors, don’t be idiots. Do the responsible thing. Consider the merits of the decision based on this new information and stop worrying about how it will “look.” Stop worrying about your image. You are, after all, not omniscient. You’re human. Admit that you can make a mistake and examine what you’ve done.

You might find you were right all along.

Kevin-Neil Klop, White Rock