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OUR VIEW: Boo, Surrey, to Bomb-tober

Hours of fireworks blasting away in Surrey during Diwali and Halloween has left many residents with short fuses
(Photo: Twitter@SurreyRCMP)

It’s important to have fun. But it’s also important to not have fun at other people’s expense.

This seasonal bombardment is too much.

Hour after hour, after hour, of fireworks blasting away in Surrey during Diwali and Halloween has left many bleary-eyed residents with short fuses.

Babies and school children need their sleep, not to mention grown-ups who have to get up early in the morning to go to work. Family pets are also terrorized by the horrendous noise.

You’d never know, given all this cacophony, that since 2005 it has been illegal to sell or set off fireworks in Surrey without a permit.

Let us say, for the sake of argument, that some of those detonation artists responsible for all this racket and din actually have a permit. Even if they are “legal,” surely they must also be subject to noise bylaws?

It must be overwhelming for city bylaws enforcement officers and police to track down ticket-deservers amid so much deafening noise ricocheting off roof tops. Where to start? Still, enforcement is what they are paid to do, and by the sounds of it, they could be doing a better job of it.

Many readers have voiced discontent. “Bang up job for the police and by-law and the city for doing absolutely nothing. Sleepless in Surrey,” writes one. “Newton is a war zone,” writes another.

Clearly, what some people might consider to be a party is what others consider to be a pain in the neck.

Too much of a good thing can indeed be a bad thing.

So c’mon, people. Have a heart.

Boo to Bomb-tober.


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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