What is wrong with people?
Top of the chain. Evolution’s finest. Made in God’s own image.
And yet, among us lurk those who apparently break claws and legs off of living crabs, and chuck the still-living creatures back in the drink. Unbelievable.
You’ll read in this newspaper today, on page 5, about a man and woman in trouble with the DFO after it received reports about people catching undersized live crabs, tearing their legs and claws off and throwing the mutilated crabs back into the water off of White Rock’s pier.
A resident who posted a video to Facebook described it not only as an act of cruelty, but greed. Was the intention to skirt size regulations? Whatever the case, it’s horrific, savage, immoral, and insensitive in the extreme, not to mention stupid.
On page 5 you will also read about a Great Dane named Eclipse, found as a skin-and-bone shadow of what he once must’ve been. Though people’s contribution to his emaciation, or not, has yet to be established, fortunately a good person who spotted Eclipse at the roadside brought him to animal care workers for help.
They say much can be said about a society by how it treats the vulnerable, animals included. We like to think there are more people of the kind that help suffering animals like Eclipse, than people who generate suffering by tearing appendages off sentient creatures and tossing the remaining life away as though it were so much trash.