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Parenting ideas affect the future

Editor: Re: Solutions for parents who work, March 14 letters.


Re: Solutions for parents who work, March 14 letters.

The political staffer that wrote Families Minister Stephanie Cadieux’s response didn’t understand the column by Melissa Smalley (No easy solution for child-care conundrum, March 7).

The writer of the original article faced a conundrum – to return to work or to stay at home.

Cadieux’s answer didn’t deal with that conundrum. Her answer felt like a short media release about a cheap daycare.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one day the government recognized the value that stay-at-home parents bring to the table? After all, we’re raising your future voters.

Babies want parents, not strangers at daycare. I’m sure many parents would appreciate extending maternity/paternity leave to three years. Many countries in Europe have it, so I can’t be that crazy to propose this.

I didn’t have a conundrum when my babies turned one – time is short. So I want my days to be filled with hugs, kisses and love.

Sure, it’s tight on one income, but – guess what – we’ve tightened our belts. We keep calm, carry on and raise our own children.

Martina Rosini, Surrey

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In response to Jerry Steinberg’s letter, children are our future, all of ours.

The birth rate in Canada has fallen dramatically over the past decades, and B.C. and Canada need children to grow up strong and become productive members of our society who will pay taxes.

Women who work today contribute billions of dollars a year to our tax base. They and their children deserve a quality child-care system, and I for one am prepared to support it through my taxes.

Sheila Davidson, Surrey