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Pesticide report fails residents

Editor: Re: B.C. committee rejects pesticide ban, May 18.
A legislative committee has recommended against a ban on cosmetic pesticide


Re: B.C. committee rejects pesticide ban, May 18.

Looks like the B.C. legislative committee on cosmetic pesticides chaired by MLA Bill Bennett has given B.C. mothers a lump of coal for Mother’s Day this year.

The special committee on cosmetic pesticides report is a slap in the face to the majority of British Columbians.

Over 70 per cent of British Columbians support a provincial ban on cosmetic pesticides to protect children from unnecessary cosmetic pesticide use on lawns, parks and playing fields. With appalling shortsightedness and lack of concern for public health, the committee has ignored scientific and medical studies linking chemical-pesticide exposure to serious illness, particularly leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, various cancers, birth defects, fertility problems, neurological disease and learning disabilities.

Instead, the committee recommends very weak restrictions allowing “licensed” applicators to continue to spray and allow invisible chemical toxins to infiltrate our air, water, and soil.

According to this report, British Columbians do not deserve the same health protection as six other Canadian provinces amounting to over 20 million people.

Premier Christie Clark committed to legislating a ban before she was elected in her purported “families first” campaign. Hopefully Clark’s cabinet has the common sense to see through this biased report and correctly respond to overwhelming public support, where British Columbians and the Union of BC Municipalities are asking the province to protect the health of our children, pets and planet.

Ten years from now, this report will be considered backward and arrogant in its response to the demands of the B.C. public who have asked for a strong cosmetic-pesticide legislation in record numbers.

Mel Tomiyama, Surrey

Guess most of us are radicals

Bravo to the B.C. government for standing up to those foreign-funded environmental radicals who are trying to eliminate cosmetic use of pesticides.

I am a bit surprised that 70 per cent of B.C. are environmental radicals, but who am I to quibble with mere numbers.

The BC government is protecting my family and me. So what if my children are exposed to chemical pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides, this is a small price to pay compared to those dangerous extremists.

Keep up the good work, Christie. Sorry you had to break the promise made during the leadership campaign but I understand you gotta do what you gotta do.

Phil Harrison, Surrey