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Sometimes a nose is just a nose

Editor: Re: Parental guidance, Dec. 11 letters.
Pinocchio (Michelle Gaetz) and Dame (Bryce Paul Mills) are family-friendly


Re: Parental guidance, Dec. 11 letters.

In response to Grant O’Kane’s letter to the editor where he claims he “understand(s) all about pantomimes,” he states with what seems like surprise that he heard – since he did not actually attend the White Rock Players’ Club show – there was a “main character who was a male dressed as a woman teacher who was extremely over-the-top trampy,” and there were “constant sexual innuendos.”

If he actually understood British pantomime, he would already be aware that, of course, the Dame is played by a man, and traditionally played on the “bawdy” side.

As far as the over-the-top sexuality – that is in the mind of the beholder. I have a seven-year-old granddaughter, and I have absolutely no problem in her attending this production of Pinocchio. She will be drawn to the fantastical characters in their colorful costumes.

She will boo the villains and cheer the heros, and will give loud, enthusiastic advice to characters on stage. She will not be paying attention to the political, topical and sometimes-titillating humour included to appeal to our adult audience, whom we attempt not to bore to death by subjecting them to something akin to Teletubbies.

Besides, I would never consider subjecting my grandchild to anything that I thought was obscene.

There are three little girls in our cast, and none of their parents seem to be concerned that they are being exposed to harmful influences. The girls are having the time of their lives and are a huge-plus to the family aspect of our show.

I appreciate the letter-writer’s concerns, and I do not mean to downplay what apparently to him is an issue – but a PG-13 rating… Really???

I realize there are a lot of overly mature children in the world, and if there are some who “get” the humor aimed at the adults, then perhaps they are mature enough to have an adult sit down and explain it to them.

I invite the letter-writer to come and examine Pinocchio’s noses. There is absolutely no resemblance to anything sexual, as he suggests in his letter. They are simply noses of different lengths, so that the audience can actually see his nose growing, a consequence to the fact he tells a lie. Apparently, the fact was missed that the story is about our hero striving to be true to his friends, and make decisions to do the right thing when faced with options to do otherwise.

Susanne de Pencier, director of Pinocchio