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Spirit of true inclusiveness

Editor: My wife and I would like to express our gratitude to the Semiahmoo First Nation for stepping in and sponsoring the Spirit of the Sea Festival’s fireworks display this past Saturday evening.


My wife and I would like to express our gratitude to the Semiahmoo First Nation for stepping in and sponsoring the Spirit of the Sea Festival’s fireworks display this past Saturday evening.

For a while, it seemed as if the event would have to be cancelled due to the lack of corporate sponsorship.

The fireworks are definitely a highlight of the festival. It would not have been the same without them.

While sponsorship from the business community is greatly appreciated, I think the generous stance taken by the Semiahmoo First Nation in offering a such a gift to the community is all that more special.

So often we read about the discord in other parts of Canada between a First Nation band and an adjacent community. Not so here on the Semiahmoo Peninsula, where the local band generously shares some of its land in allowing the general public to enjoy it as a seaside park.

It makes me proud to live in a community where we all seem to be able to live inclusively.

Thank you so much, Semiahmoo First Nation, for your generosity!

Gary May, Surrey