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The difference of education

Editor: My Grade 7 class at Southridge School is doing a project called “Making a Difference.”


My Grade 7 class at Southridge School is doing a project called “Making a Difference.”

I chose to do my project on child labour. There are children all over the world working long hours, being paid essentially nothing in very poor and harsh conditions.

Big companies often use this labour because it is a cheap form of labour.

I was shocked when I started my research. So many children never receive any kind of education and are forced to work all day long.

When we buy products from billion-dollar companies, we must make an effort to make sure that they are not using child labour.

We need to educate ourselves about the companies we buy from. Education is the key to preventing child labour because education will also allow them to break the child-labour cycle. It will allow children to get better jobs when they are older and support their own children and not have to sell them.

I also hope the teachers can come to a resolution with the government. Children in this country also need education to help change the world. If we all work together, we can make a difference.

Landon Gill, Surrey