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They flag-wave as we prosper

Editor: Like a lot of Canadians, I’ve been watching a bit of the presidential debates in our neighbouring country.


Like a lot of Canadians, I’ve been watching a bit of the presidential debates in our neighbouring country.

It is hard to watch too much of it because it is so rhetorical, both parties hammering out the same reasons over and over why they are the best man for the job.

One candidate in particular is unbelievable to watch, as he thinks he is going to bring the country back to the way it was 20 years ago.

Honestly, is he kidding?  After all the years that so much business went out of the country in order to make a profit, the exorbitant cost of the military endeavours – which are questionable as to their effectiveness – has left the country in a less-than-prosperous state.

For years, the U.S. has been borrowing money from a certain country to keep the economy afloat,  and now that that has not worked,  they want to reverse the cycle and bring back the business to their country. Talk about ingrates.

It made me think how lucky we are in Canada that in the last 20 years, we have been concentrating on building a foundation for the integration of all the different ethnic people who have entered our country and decided to make it their home.

This was not the easiest task because it required a lot of consideration and negotiating, and at times there were struggles. However, in the end, everyone has found the common denominator and that is to live in peace and prosperity.

The old saying that ‘after the people get the food in their bellies, they all want the coloured TV’ sure rings true.

This is what has given Canada such a good start to the 21st century.

Globalization is the name of the game, and we have taken our place in the world as a leader not only for our resources and our growing economy but also for our attitude and enthusiasm in adopting cultures of the rest of the world.

While the neighbours to the south were busy waving their flag, we were quietly building a foundation for the future and our place in the global world.

D. Barros, White Rock