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Thinking of safety, down the road

Editor: They come out one by one, on occasion in small groups of two or three.
Teaching our children road safety is so much more than just telling them to look both ways


They come out one by one, on occasion in small groups of two or three.

They come with ‘ear buds’ or cellphones to their ears. They come loaded down with grocery bags, balancing drinks and food in their hands. They appear with skateboards, canes, walkers, some dragging small pets behind them, others pushing strollers in front.

Some will look both ways, perhaps noticing the lighted crosswalks a hundred feet or so in either direction.

Others jump out from the curb expecting traffic to part before them like the Red Sea of biblical times.

And off they go through the shopping centre swinging doors, crossing the four lanes of traffic to reach the other side – perhaps, to the bus stop where I stand watching this exodus, or just on their way to who knows where.

One might ask, “Why did the chicken cross in the middle of the road?” or “Why do lemmings follow each other off the cliffs?” It would seem rather hard to answer, considering the fact most of them would die trying.

I am quite sure that when we tell our children to look both ways before crossing the street, we do not envision them dashing out into four lanes of traffic.

Let’s all remember, actions speak louder than words – and kids are always watching. So please, please, please go to the nearest crosswalk. You may not just save your own life, you might save someone else down the road…

Barry Cameron, White Rock