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Introducing the White Rock challenger

Jamie Leggatt is a busy mom of two who is hoping to teach her children healthy eating habits.
Jamie Leggatt is hoping to teach her two daughters about healthy eating.

Jamie Leggatt

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 162 pounds

Current Fitness Level: I work out occasionally

Current Diet: I don't watch what I eat and tend to over-ear

Fundraising Goal: $1,000 donation to the Canadian Cancer Society

Reason for Applying: I am a busy wife and mother to two young daughters, ages six and eight. I work full-time and spend my spare time shuttling my kids to activities or in the kitchen making dinners, packing lunches and getting snacks. I am 40 pounds above my ideal weight and find it difficult to make time to exercise. I would like to (participate in) this challenge as an opportunity to teach my children healthy eating habits. I would like to introduce them to a wider variety of fruits and vegetables in a way that they enjoy.