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Ladner golfer on par for Summer Games challenge

Ladner's Charles Thompson considers qualifying for the 2012 BC Summer Games to be his greatest accomplishment, so far.
Golfers are hitting up Hazelmere Golf Course in Surrey for the 2012 BC Summer Games.

Ladner's Charles Thompson had his introduction to golf last summer, and it fast-tracked him to the 2012 BC Summer Games now in full swing at Surrey's Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club.

"My highest achievement is making the Summer Games," said Thompson.

Daily practice and a twice-weekly workout sessions were, he feels, the keys to his success.

Coach Niel Bidewell is credited with improving Thompson's technique. The results were evident when Thompson shot a 79 in Squamish, which qualified him to represent Fraser River-Delta (Zone 4) in the Games.

Apart from playing golf for fun, making friends on the course has been a bonus which has opened up assorted key avenues for this new golfer's future.

As for his Summer Games experience, he said, "I will play the best I can".

Whatever his final score card reads, Thompson intends to keep on swinging to improve his game.


by Daya Karunita Wimalasuriya

(BC Summer Games)