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‘It only lacks your presence’: truth, art, words and the legacy of Gord Downie

‘It only lacks your presence’: truth, art, words and the legacy of Gord Downie

The Tragically Hip frontman died Tuesday night
B.C. VIEWS: Salmon farm smear campaign sinks

B.C. VIEWS: Salmon farm smear campaign sinks

John Horgan, Lana Popham have to face reality now
ENVIRO NOTES: Local reaction to global warming

ENVIRO NOTES: Local reaction to global warming

Environmental writer addresses anticipated change on Semiahmoo Peninsula
COLUMN: Perspetive gained as bystander to tragedy

COLUMN: Perspetive gained as bystander to tragedy

Uneasy feeling for reporter, who was just a few blocks away from Las Vegas shooting Oct. 1
COLUMN: Drivers who use roads more should pay more

COLUMN: Drivers who use roads more should pay more

Road pricing makes far more sense than bridge tolls, writes columnist Frank Bucholtz
COLUMN: The Art of War, Thanksgiving dinner edition

COLUMN: The Art of War, Thanksgiving dinner edition

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you need not fear the result of a hundred turkey dinners
B.C. VIEWS: Getting past the homeless rhetoric

B.C. VIEWS: Getting past the homeless rhetoric

Politicians treat citizens protecting neighbourhoods as the problem
COLUMN: People make a country, not government

COLUMN: People make a country, not government

Action, support, and compassion comes quickest from the residents, not the politicians
B.C. VIEWS: Fanning fear of fire and flood

B.C. VIEWS: Fanning fear of fire and flood

Here’s real evidence for our record wildfire season
B.C. VIEWS: Politicians loot public treasury

B.C. VIEWS: Politicians loot public treasury

John Horgan’s sudden reversal puts parties on welfare