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THROUGH YOUR LENS: Peace Arch News reader photos

THROUGH YOUR LENS: Peace Arch News reader photos

Shorelines and skies
Coldest Night of the Year White Rock fundraising walk returning

Coldest Night of the Year White Rock fundraising walk returning

Sign-up available to participate in walk raising money, awareness about homelessness
Cloverdale BIA to hold AGM

Cloverdale BIA to hold AGM

City of Surrey to provide update on town centre plan
Datebook: A guide to community events in South Surrey, White Rock

Datebook: A guide to community events in South Surrey, White Rock

Email to have your non-profit or free event included
Playful Palette's White Rock fundraiser a success

Playful Palette's White Rock fundraiser a success

Adult, youth performers join forces to help aspiring artists
Cloverdale Legion holds meeting to inform members about new trusteeship

Cloverdale Legion holds meeting to inform members about new trusteeship

Joe Carter, Legion president, suspended for 1 year
Cloverdale gym to celebrate 1 year in business

Cloverdale gym to celebrate 1 year in business

Wellden Fitness Studio enjoys successful first year
Tea cup talk among Surrey seniors and other free 'Connection' events

Tea cup talk among Surrey seniors and other free 'Connection' events

Lyn Verra-Lay's monthly 55+ workshops in Newton expand to North Delta and South Surrey
Embrace Family Literacy Week at South Surrey event

Embrace Family Literacy Week at South Surrey event

Fun activities, learning and more in-store at library event
2nd annual Lower Mainland jamboree in honour of killed Mountie

2nd annual Lower Mainland jamboree in honour of killed Mountie

Last year more than 1,500 people participated in the Cst. Rick O'Brien's Joint Forces Jamboree, and raised upwards of $85,000 for foundation